Saturday, 20 February 2016

The impact of a breakup

We don't just let anyone impact us; we only take seriously those who we let near enough to us. We all have our guards up when we meet someone new. But some people manage to walk through our shields, our walls crumbling to the floor as they make their way towards us. It's rather beautiful; it makes you happy. And slowly we begin to form an opinion on them in their favour. We allow them closer and closer, and reach out to them as well, beginning to get comfortable. Then there's a point where enough is not the same it ever was before. No amount of the person is enough for you; they're a never ending ocean of things you relate to, things that interest you and make you feel good. Once you get close enough to confess that the feelings are mutual, and more than just friendship, it turns into something different altogether. Once you decide that there's no living without each other, that you form an integral part of each other's life and personality, you call it love. And from then onwards, all that exists is sweet talk, cute nicknames and the desire for more.

But all this lasts only until you discover each other’s quirks; the ones which you don't find lovable. But for the sake of everything else, that is so lovable and still keeps you longing for more, you go on. Slowly the quirks begin to outnumber the perks of being with the person, and then you stay on only for the sake of old times. You begin to realise that you called it "love" too soon.

All this goes on until one person decides they've had enough and makes a rough exit, leaving the other person's shattered heart behind. He walks out, keeping a straight face and trying to hold the pieces of his own heart tightly together. Breakups are one of the most commonly impacting things that happen to people.

They shatter your soul. They make you lose your self-respect; you start hating your own self, sometimes. The old memories keep flashing in your mind, and the desire to have that kind of love with someone again never dies out. Solitude makes you lonely, and happiness turns into something you only see far away from yourself. You're left wounded and alone, undulating between whether you want to go back to an older time, or whether you're glad to have come to a newer one. Nevertheless, they say time heals wounds; I disagree. I think intention heals wounds better than time. Intention has won many a battle, where time has lost.

With new found self-esteem and appreciation for all that we DO have, we put our head up, and try to make ourselves happy again! But the impact of the breakup never leaves us; nor do the teachings we derive from it. And maybe, just maybe, it's something to be thankful for.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.

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